If you've got a complicated setup of pipes and what not, you can easily make a graph detailing all the connections (and colors if need be). For example, for base, its relevant graph is:
It is generated with GraphViz, using the PRETTY straight forward code:
[CODE]digraph g {
node [ fontname=Arial, fontsize=10, shape=box, style="filled" ];
edge [ fontname=Arial, fontsize=9 ];
Processing -> Storage
CaveSpiderFarm -> Processing [label="Spider Eyes\nString"]
SkeletonFarm -> DistA [label="Bones"]
SkeletonFarm -> Processing [label="Arrows\nBones"]
DistA -> Processing [label="Bones"]
DistA -> DistA [label="Bonemeal"]
DistA -> TreeFarm [label="Bonemeal"]
DistA -> BonemealFarm [label="Bonemeal"]
TreeFarm -> DistB [label="Logs"]
TreeFarm -> Processing [label="Apples"]
TreeFarm -> Power [label="Saplings"]
DistB -> Processing [label="Logs"]
DistB -> Charcoaler [label="Logs"]
DistB -> CokeOven [label="Logs"]
CokeOven -> Processing [label="Cresote Oil\nCharcoal"]
Charcoaler -> Processing [label="Charcoal"]
WheatFarm -> Processing [label="Wheat\nBread"]
WheatFarm -> WheatFarm [label="Bread"]
WheatFarm -> AnimalSmasher [label="Wheat"]
SugarCaneFarm -> Processing [label="Sugar Cane"]
CactiFarm -> Processing [label="Cacti"]
AnimalSmasher -> Processing [label="Leather\nPork\nBeef"]
BonemealFarm -> Processing [label="Seeds\nFlax Seeds\nRoses\nYellow Flowers\nIndigo Flowers"]
Power->Power [label="Plant Clumps"]
Storage->Silo [label="Charcoal\nCoal\nBread\nLogs\nRubber Wood\nBonemeal\nSpider Eyes\nString"]
Storage->Discard [label="Cobblestone\nSeeds\nFlax Seeds\nDirt\nSand\nSigns\nPlanks"]
Power->TreeFarm [color="red", label="EU", fontcolor="red"]
Power->WheatFarm [color="red", label="EU", fontcolor="red"]
CaveSpiderFarm [label="Cave Spider Farm", fillcolor="white", style="dashed"]
SkeletonFarm [label="Skeleton Farm", fillcolor="white", style="dashed"]
DistA [label="Distribution A", fillcolor="blue", fontcolor="white"]
DistB [label="Distribution B", fillcolor="blue", fontcolor="white"]
TreeFarm [label="Tree Farm", fillcolor="red"]
Power [label="Power Station", fillcolor="orange"]
Storage [label="Storage", fillcolor="cyan"]
Processing [label="Processing", fillcolor="darkgreen", fontcolor="white"]
WheatFarm [label="Wheat Farm", fillcolor="lightblue"]
CokeOven [label="Coke Ovens", fillcolor="white"]
Charcoaler [label="Charcoaler", fillcolor="black", fontcolor="white"]
AnimalSmasher [label="Animal Smasher", fillcolor="gray"]
BonemealFarm [label="Flower/Seed Farm", fillcolor="magenta"]
SugarCaneFarm [label="Sugar Cane Farm", fillcolor="white", style="dashed"]
CactiFarm [label="Cacti Farm", fillcolor="red"]
Silo [label="Storage Silo", fillcolor="white", style="dashed"]
Discard [label="Discard Items", fillcolor="pink", style="dashed,filled"]
Instead of installing GraphViz, you can use this online editor:
http://graphviz-dev.appspot.com/ All the attributes that you can use (label, fillcolor, etc.) can be found here: